Monday, no classes (well, online classes, but I didn't have anywhere I had to be), I walked to the grocery store for a few supplies I'd forgotten to have mom and dad pick up when they went shopping for me the day they dropped me off. Then, after finding out that checks do indeed work there (yes!), I walked out the door and saw a little used bookstore! Of course, being me, I wanted to see it, and for once I had nothing else I needed to be doing so I went ahead and went in. I spent a wonderful half an hour browsing then bought five books from the cute little old guy who owns the place. He told me I had a wide taste in books and that he approved, haha.
Tuesday, I had an 8 am class. Lemme tell ya, the time is the only thing about that class that does not add to how spectacular it is. I suppose if it was at an hour that allowed me to sleep in, it would be superfluously spectacular. The teacher is hilarious, the subject is interesting, the classmates seem nice, the syllabus is lovely and we get extra credit for bringing British breakfast foods to class and watching movies based on Austen and Shakespeare. I mean, dude. Awesome.
Then later that day we had a nice devo by Pres. Clark and his wife and I went to my Book of Mormon class for the first time. My BoM teacher's voice was meant to be on relaxation cds, man. I'm not saying I felt like falling asleep or anything, but really, he has the smoothest voice ever, and sort of deep. I think that class will be good for me. It's going to require actual in-depth study, unlike last semester's BoM class.
Today, Wednesday, was the laziest morning ever. We watched Finding Nemo and I did homework. Went to women's choir - where I sort of messed up on my callback auditions, so I'm not sure I'll get in this year - came back to the dorm and signed up for another class so that if I lose the one credit from choir, I'll still have all the credits I need to be full time. If I get in, yay! That's excellent! If I don't, I'll be fine. I've got plenty to do, and I could stay in pjs all day on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays! It's a win win.
I had a tiny freak out over my math class today - I was worried I wouldn't be able to pass the placement exam, I needed 70% and I'm so math phobic I was certain I'd get a 50% or something - but I got 85%, so the freak out has ended and all is well.
Not only are there all the above lovely things to be happy about, but just walking around campus makes me feel so bubbly inside. It's so beautiful right now! The grass is emerald green and gorgeous. The flowers are colorful and alive. The trees have leaves. It's so different from last semester! Sometimes I randomly stop walking in the middle of going somewhere and just stare around me and take it in. It makes me smile every time.
Yep. This has been a wonderful first week of school so far. Only two days left, and I'm sure they'll be fantastic too.
Yay for happy days. I miss you. Hopefully my work schedule will become less crazy soon so we can talk.