Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Returning like a zombie from the grave

With a shudder and groan, a post arises out of the depths of the interwebs! ...probably to little to no heed from anyone. (Which begs the question, if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? But that's a philosophical ponderment for another day.)

But, anyway, ehem, HELLO INTERNET. I know. It's been years. Literally. Two of them. But hey, I had a mission to triumphantly carry out! (Not a scary, undercover-for-the-FBI, killing-bad-guys-and-saving-priceless-treasures sort of mission, but more of the scary, one-hundred-percent-transparent, sharing-the-thing-that-means-more-to-me-than-anything-with-strangers variation of mission. Actually, now I think of it, I suppose there was some saving of priceless treasures involved...haha! If you somehow found this blog without actually knowing me and are still confused, I'll direct you to this lovely linky to clear it up a bit for you. If that one doesn't help, maybe I can have some friends explain to you in person?)  So yeah! Sorry, blog world, for leaving you out of the loop.

My mission was an experience of terrifying, humbling, incredible and needed growth and satisfaction, one that I'm afraid I can't sum up in words that really adequately explain any of it. But never fear, I'll probably attempt it the rest of my life, so I'm sure you'll hear plenty about it. I'd like to say I changed a lot on my mission, but really I think as much as I changed, I actually just more firmly cemented myself into who I was already becoming. I'm far more outgoing, less self centered (at least I hope!), better at carrying on real conversations and carrying out good habits, adapted to making decisions, goals and plans, a wee bit more world wise, a tad more forgiving... basically, I grew up a little and grew closer to my Savior a lot. Of all the adventures I've had in my twenty two years, those eighteen months in Minnesota were my favorite adventure yet.

So, to sum up:
I'm still alive (dur).
I served a mission (and now fall in the RM Mormon category[read HOT COMMODITY{there are sniggers from the distance}]).
I grew up and learned how to actually be a disciple of Christ rather than just a member of His church.

So yeah! Watch this space, 'cause now I've remembered the existence of this blog, I'll probably get back to posting at a, uh, somewhat regular interval. And not the boring, "I've only got enough motivation to post five sentences to prove I haven't died" type posts, or the "and this other boring thing happened that you couldn't care less about" type posts either. I have THOUGHTS, internet. Thoughts that are WORTH sharing. And they'll be coming to you... right after this commercial break.

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