Sunday, March 4, 2012


Sorry, I'm tired and sick, so not much to say.

I saved Stephanie's life the other day. It's true. I did. I forgot to mention it in the other post. We were walking together and a car would've run her over, but I grabbed her and pulled her out of the way. Super Lisa moment.

Another thing, Choir has been taking over my life recently, and I don't especially appreciate it.

Third thing, I'm sick. I said that already, but it deserves to be repeated.

Fourth thing, MY BROTHER IS GETTING MARRIED THIS WEEK. YAY! I am so excited, guys. You have no idea.

Fifth thing, there's this guy who keeps coming to our apartment and making us brownies. *waggles eyebrows* There's also more to the story than that, but I'm not going into details right here, right now. Ask me some other time.

Sixth thing, I am SO EXCITED FOR CHRIS'S WEDDING. What? I already said that? Well, who cares! I'm doubly excited!

Seventh thing, I should not write blog posts when tired/sick. I am oddly loopy.

Eighth thing... There is no eighth thing in my mind right now.

The End.

Edit: WAIT. I remembered. I wanted to go on a bit about how sweet my friends are. Stephanie has been my mother hen the whole time I've been sick, Aretha brought me food today, Lindsey arranged for the home teachers to come give me a blessing, and Jessy has told me not to die every time I've coughed/shivered/appeared ill. Aren't they lovely?

Now that is all.


  1. Nice update. You are a superhero.

    Also, why is my blog not on the list of Other Blogs to Stalk? Hm?

    Also, why haven't you answered my Greek Goddess question? Hm?

    Also, when can I come down and eat brownies with you? Hm?

    1. Your blog *is* on my list of other blogs to stalk and has been since I started this blog. I don't know where your eyes are.

  2. we are glad that you have awesome friends to take care of you when you are sick, and are glad that you are feeling better. ybf
