Friday, January 20, 2012


Hi guys. Several people *coughmyparentscough* have requested I post a certain new article that recently appeared in The Scroll (BYU-I's school newspaper). So here's the link to the newspaper's website, specifically, the wanted article.

Let me just tell you though, due to excellent editors, what you will read is a lot better than what I originally wrote. You can thank them for the awesomeness with which the article glows. Not me. You can thank me for getting the quotes. That was scary. I would appreciate thanks for that.

And even if they changed it a bit, it still has my name on it. So that's exciting. It's pretty cool to see your own name in the papers under a headline. Well... I guess it wouldn't be exciting for someone whose headline said 'Criminal Scheduled to be Executed Today' and the line under the headline that had their name in it was just a line from the story...

Sorry. That was random.

Oh well. I am random sometimes. Get used to it.

*hugs* Have a lovely weekend you lovely people!


  1. Nice article! I believe that getting the quotes was scary. *bites nails*

    Also, it was so fun seeing you on Tuesday!

  2. Sounds like you had a great time getting it together, Way to go you did a great job. ybf

  3. Good job doll. Am I not figuring out how to read to the end and see your name? mom
